What class laser poses no threat of biological damage?
Direct viewing and diffuse reflections can cause permanent tissue damage, including blindness, from what class laser?
When laser light is reflected from a smooth, shiny surface, there remains a risk of eye and skin damage.
When a laser beam comes into contact with tissue according to its intended action it is said to be:
Tissues most sensitive to laser light are:
A CO2 laser rapidly heats and vaporizes the water inside the cells resulting in rupture and lysis. It has extremely superficial penetration.
Holmium laser refers to which type of laser?
A semiconductor laser is often used in dermatology and ophthalmology. The type of semiconductor laser used in the Crouse Hospital NICU, is a:
Administrative controls to establish laser safety include:
The optical density (OD) is noted on each pair of protective goggles. If the appropriate goggles are not worn, the user’s eyes are at risk. Wearing eyewear and appropriate clothing is considered what type of safety control measure?
All laser signs must include the following information:
Fire Prevention/Safety measures used during laser procedures include:
A laser treatment log (form) should be completed:
The Laser Assistant RN is to serve only in this role of and is responsible for:
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I passed the online test that never changes every year! Now I’m laser safe again, but only for a year.